After-work beach volleyball

After-workies: team spirit and fun after work

After a productive day at the office, we like to round off the day together at our regular after-work ies. These joint activities not only strengthen team cohesion, but also bring a lot of fun and exercise into the working day.

Team building is a top priority for us. Spending time outside the office promotes trust and co-operation between the different departments.
But that’s not all: sport is one of our core corporate values. Our after-work parties offer the perfect opportunity to get active together as a team – whether it’s beach volleyball, a mountain tour or simply a relaxed after-work drink on the roof terrace.
And of course, there’s no shortage of fun! Every week becomes a highlight when the team comes together and great moments are created together.

Fun fact: we all really enjoy beach volleyball – but our real talents lie in football. 😉